Home News Gaza: Russia, China veto US-led resolution to ceasefire

Gaza: Russia, China veto US-led resolution to ceasefire

Gaza ceasefire vetoed by China and Russia
source: the independent

The United Nations Security Council faced a deadlock on Friday as Russia and China vetoed a US-led draft resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

The resolution, supported by other members including France and Britain, aimed to emphasize the urgency of an immediate and sustained ceasefire while condemning a recent attack by Hamas on October 7.

Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia, criticized the US for what he termed as a “hypocritical spectacle,” accusing Washington of failing to pressure Israel and ignoring the devastation in Gaza.

Nebenzia stated, “The American product is exceedingly politicized, with the sole purpose being to play to voters and throw them a bone in the form of some kind of a mention of a ceasefire in Gaza.”

He further added that the resolution would “ensure the impunity of Israel, whose crimes are not even assessed in the draft.”

In response, US ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield criticized the Russian and Chinese vetoes as “not just cynical” but also “petty.”

Thomas-Greenfield accused Russia and China of rejecting the resolution simply because it was proposed by the United States.

She remarked, “Let’s be honest — for all the fiery rhetoric, we all know that Russia and China are not doing anything diplomatically to advance a lasting peace or to meaningfully contribute to the humanitarian response effort.”

The draft resolution linked the ceasefire to ongoing talks facilitated by Qatar, with support from the United States and Egypt, aimed at halting the conflict in exchange for the release of hostages held by Hamas.

Despite efforts from other Security Council members, including permanent members France and Britain, to pass the resolution, the veto by Russia and China underscored the deep divisions within the council regarding the situation in Gaza.


Source: AFP

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