Home News Terrorists destroy military armoured vehicles in Zamfara

Terrorists destroy military armoured vehicles in Zamfara

Bandits are reported to have killed Prof. Yusuf Saidu, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research, Innovation, and Development at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto.

Terrorists in Zamfara State have destroyed armoured vehicles believed to belong to the Nigerian army.  

The terrorists, in a video posted on X by @ZariyiYusufu, brandished their weapons and chanted “Allahu Akbar” as they celebrated their victory while setting the two armoured vehicles ablaze. 

One of the voices in the video could be heard shouting ‘Wal-Jihad.’ Al-Tawhid Wal-Jihad is a Sunni Islamist group and a branch of al-Qaeda in the Gaza Strip and has been active since 2008.

In March 2022, the U.S. Department of State pronounced the group a Special Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT). It further recommended all UN member states freeze all their assets, place a travel ban, and place an arms embargo against the group.

However, the video is an indication of links to or the presence of the deadly terror group in Nigeria, and this is coming after the visit of a senior Hamas leader to Nigeria weeks ago.

The Nigerian army has not made a statement about the video or the attack.

Read more: “Consensual same-sex conduct should never be criminalized” – UN Human Rights, Others Condemn Ghana’s Anti-LGBTQ Bill

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