Home News Plateau: Protests in Bokkos Over Alleged Discriminatory Arrests

Plateau: Protests in Bokkos Over Alleged Discriminatory Arrests


Tensions flared in Bokkos as aggrieved women and youths took to the streets in a vehement display of discontent, decrying what they deemed as indiscriminate arrests targeting their community’s youth following the deaths of two individuals reportedly of Fulani descent.

The protesters, expressing their dissatisfaction with the purportedly biased arrests, directed their anger at the joint security task force Operation Safe Haven and the Divisional Police Office in Bokkos.

Their grievances centred around what they perceived as discriminatory actions by security forces in the aftermath of the deaths, a situation they vehemently protested against.

However, the peaceful protests took a violent turn when the demonstrators reached the palace of the District Head of Bokkos, Saf Adanchin.

Source: X

In a shocking escalation, the enraged mob overwhelmed security personnel stationed at the Palace, resulting in the ransacking and subsequent burning of the building, including vehicles parked within the premises.

Simultaneously, the Bokkos Progressive Youths voiced their dismay, issuing a statement signed by the youth president, Luka Tulladem. The statement strongly condemned the alleged human rights abuses perpetrated by security operatives since the series of attacks that commenced on Christmas Eve in Bokkos.

Highlighting the aftermath of the tragic events, the statement lamented the continued arrest, detention, and alleged mistreatment of victims who managed to survive the attacks.

The youths accused the military, entrusted with safeguarding the populace, of exacerbating the trauma by subjecting victims to further violence, including brutalization and unwarranted detention.

Calling for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the deaths of the two individuals, the youths emphasized the need for justice rather than victimizing an already traumatized populace displaced from their homes.

The escalating tensions and the outbreak of violence in Bokkos underscore the deep-seated grievances and frustrations within the community, revealing a growing chasm between the populace and the security apparatus tasked with maintaining law and order.

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