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Nigerian Soldiers Must Defy Orders from Foreign Collaborationists in the Armed Forces, Prepare to Punish Enemies of Nigerians — Concerned Nigerians

Dear Nigerian Soldiers, 1. We salute you for your tireless valour and determination to defend and protect ordinary Nigerians from internal and external...

JANUARY 1966 Coup

January 1966 Coup was a Marxist Revolution, Ignore IBB

These days, we confuse the contrived political perception of Igbophobia for actual Igbophobia. What is real is the former, and the latter does...


Nigeria Will Be Islamized if the South and Middle-Belt Do Not Unite

In 2022, I published a book titled De-Nigerianization. Among my core arguments in the book, there are three that I wish to recall...


Ghana’s National Elections: Lessons for Nigeria and Others

If democracy were only about elections, the Ghanaians have given us a stellar example of it in sub-Saharan Africa. Like the United States,...


The FBI, CIA, DEA Just Delivered the Biggest Blow to Democracy in Africa

I just read the document detailing the United States’ multiagency defense of the drug baron in Aso Villa. Let’s be clear about one...


EmiLoKan: A Burden of Electoral Consequences

What do we mean when we say electoral consequences—and consequences for whom? There is this widespread, almost unquestionable, consensus—mostly among dissidents—that it is...

Yoruba Nation

Yoruba Nation and a Dance of Shame

On Saturday, 13 April 2024, a gang of suspicious misfits, armed with a measly fund of questionable weapons, smoothly wove themselves into the...


Open Letter: Dear Omah Lay, You May Be a Deist by Raphael Adebayo

Dear Mr. Stanley I hope this meets you well. I should let you know that I am a particular fan of your soul-stirring...