Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka’s memoir, “The Man Died,” is set to come to life as a feature film directed by Awam Amkpa, slated for release in July this year.
The memoir, originally published in 1972, delves into Soyinka’s experiences during Nigeria’s Civil War in the late 1960s, where his outspoken criticisms of the authorities led to his imprisonment for twenty-two months by the Nigerian military government. It chronicles his time in prison, touching on themes of survival, perseverance, and resilience.
The film adaptation stars Wale Ojo, Sam Dede, Nobert Young, Chidi Mokeme, Segilola Ogida, and Simileoluwa Hassan. Scripted by Bode Asiyanbi and produced by Femi Odugbemi, the film is set to premiere in July, coinciding with Soyinka’s 90th birthday celebration.
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