Home News Suspending Senator Ningi has not addressed the issues – Peter Obi

Suspending Senator Ningi has not addressed the issues – Peter Obi

Peter Obi on ₦3 trillion budget padding

In a post on X, addressing the ongoing controversy surrounding the alleged padding of the 2024 budget, Peter Obi, presidential candidate of the Labour Party, has joined the discourse, urging for transparency and accountability in government spending.

“The fuss over the alleged N3 trillion padded into the 2024 budget raised by a Senator still rages,” Obi stated, emphasising the gravity of the situation.

“The suspension of the whistle-blower has not addressed vital issues emanating from the allegation.”

Obi highlighted discrepancies between the Senate’s response and the Executive’s assessment, noting, “The Senator is insisting on his allegation, and the Executive agreed that there was only N1.2 trillion padded, not N3 trillion as alleged by the Senator.”

Drawing attention to fresh allegations regarding the indiscriminate allocation of constituency projects by Senate leadership, Obi underscored the need for clarity.

“The public deserves a clear clarification over the various claims and counterclaims, including that of the executive arm,” he asserted.

Budgit, a prominent civic society group, echoed Obi’s concerns, adding weight to the debate. “There was no detailed project allocations for about N3.7 trillion in the 2024 Appropriation,” Budgit corroborated, calling for enhanced transparency to facilitate public monitoring.

Reflecting on the potential impact of misallocated funds, Obi stressed the importance of prudent resource management.

“The N1.2 trillion padded amount, if channeled into critical areas of development, could positively impact the nation, we must put a stop to all wastage of our scarce resources amid excruciating hardship,” he remarked

Obi advocated for strategic allocation of funds towards education, health, and poverty alleviation, citing the pressing need to address Nigeria’s educational crisis. “Today in Nigeria, the greatest challenge to human resource development is education,” he noted.

He reiterated his call for accountability, stating, “Let every penny of our public fund be used for public good. That is the only way to achieve the New Nigeria we are working towards.”

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