Home News Standstill, lamentations as Sango-Ota residents grapple with bad road despite government promises

Standstill, lamentations as Sango-Ota residents grapple with bad road despite government promises

Standstill, lamentations as Sango-Ota residents grapple with bad road despite government promises

The residents of Sango-Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria, are grappling with frustration and inconvenience as the condition of the Sango-Joju Road continues to deteriorate, despite assurances from the government. The road very important for commuters and businesses in the area has been rendered useless due to heavy flooding caused by recent rainfall.

Despite numerous pledges by the Ogun State Government to address the deplorable state of the Sango-Joju Road, residents are left disillusioned and stranded as the situation worsens. 

The recent rainfall has worsened the already dire condition of the road, transforming it into a pool of stagnant water and mud.

One of the affected residents made her frustration known on X, “Sometimes I don’t understand myself because why did I believe Ogun State roads,” he laments, expressing disbelief at the lack of tangible progress despite the government’s promises.

The standstill on Sango Road shows challenges faced by motorists and pedestrians alike. The accumulation of water on the road has effectively paralyzed transportation in the area, leading to traffic gridlock and economic disruptions for businesses operating along the route.

Despite the announcement of palliative works by the Ogun State Government two years ago, the efforts seem insufficient to address the magnitude of the problem. 

The plight of Sango-Joju Road underscores broader concerns about infrastructure maintenance and service delivery in Ogun State.

Despite being a federal road, the responsibility for its upkeep falls squarely on the shoulders of the state government, which appears to be struggling to meet the expectations of its constituents. The lack of proper drainage and waste management in the area contribute to the flooding witnessed in the area.

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