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Trauma, Difficult Experiences, and the Hope for Healing

I have a friend who, a few decades ago, had pain somewhere in his back from a surgery that lasted years before it...


Procrustes it not!

According to Greek mythology, a crook named Procrustes had a unique manner of “helping” guests who came through his inn. He would offer...


When the Mind Collapses

I wasn’t feeling well in October, a few months ago. Despite not feeling well, I had to ‘man up’ and continue with the...


The Power of Community in Changing Mental Health Narratives

In my many conversations about mental health, a recurring question is, “Why does mental health often feel like a distant, unreachable topic?” Is...


Mental Health Matters: Building a Foundation for Wellness and Growth

Writing has made me reflect on the power of sharing knowledge—sparking conversations and inspiring people to enrich their lives, relationships, and communities. Nigerians,...