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Mental Health and Communication: The Way You Think Can Shape Your Life

The quality of mental wellness is closely linked to the quality, or lack thereof, of our communication. You may be asking, how? What...


Nature, Nurture, and the Art of Raising a Thriving Child

This past week, I had the rare opportunity to closely observe my niece and her grandmother interact. What struck me most wasn’t just...


Trauma, Difficult Experiences, and the Hope for Healing

I have a friend who, a few decades ago, had pain somewhere in his back from a surgery that lasted years before it...


Procrustes it not!

According to Greek mythology, a crook named Procrustes had a unique manner of “helping” guests who came through his inn. He would offer...


When the Mind Collapses

I wasn’t feeling well in October, a few months ago. Despite not feeling well, I had to ‘man up’ and continue with the...


The Power of Community in Changing Mental Health Narratives

In my many conversations about mental health, a recurring question is, “Why does mental health often feel like a distant, unreachable topic?” Is...


Mental Health Matters: Building a Foundation for Wellness and Growth

Writing has made me reflect on the power of sharing knowledge—sparking conversations and inspiring people to enrich their lives, relationships, and communities. Nigerians,...